Wednesday 20 February 2019

Post Pictures Of:

a) your best piece of creative work before coming to this course, think laterally if you have not done "conventional" art or design work

Paragraph about Something Interesting about the work: 

This was an artwork that I had created for my HSC Body of Work last year. Using photographs of buildings and architecture I had taken in Hong Kong as a base, the artwork was all drawn by hand using a graphics tablet and printed onto canvas in a scroll form. By incorporating my interest for both modern and traditional architecture, my artwork aimed to challenge the loss of tradition and culture within the fast-advancing modern environment. Although I was satisfied with the end product, there were many challenges along the way as the artwork was only my second time experimenting using a graphics tablet.

b) an image of a great piece of architecture

Paragraph about something interesting about the architecture:
The architectural piece I have chosen is the Suzhou Museum designed by I.M. Pei. Although not as well-known as other famous architectural pieces like the Sydney Opera House, this piece is carefully and safely constructed, spacious, aesthetic and able to successfully serve its purpose. It is because the architecture embodies these qualities that I believe it is such a great architectural piece. The purpose of the Suzhou Museum is to promote Suzhou traditions, and this is incorporated very well through its unique design that integrates the traditional Suzhou architectural style in its modern interpretation. I also admire how the I.M Pei considers the water-filled geographic environment and utilises a series of geometrical shapes to create such a serene and calming atmosphere that is reminiscent of traditional Chinese architecture. 

c) an original photograph of something beautiful

Paragraph about something interesting about the photograph:
This photograph was taken by me in Tasmania on the top of Mount Wellington. I find this picture very beautiful as it contains both the beauty of the natural world and beauty within my personal world. It captures the natural phenomena of the world, depicting such a free, clear and vast landscape that reveals the endless possibilities for growth and development. Besides the physical beauty of the photo, it also encapsulates meaningful memories of the first trip I have taken with my family since a long time ago, bringing back wonderful times that we spent together.

Find an image showing a creative work from each of the companies/designers below (they will be your clients in experiment 1) and describe it using a noun, verb and adjective; see below for examples.

a) Off White
Noun: Text
Verb: Move
Adjective: Secure

b) BernabeiFreeman
Noun: Light
Verb: Weave
Adjective: Delicate

c) AutoFabrica
Noun: Prototype
Verb: Diversify
Adjective: Intricate

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